And now for something completely knitting...
This market bag is made from yarn my SP10 gave me. It was great to work with and I love the color. The really cool part? I had just enough yarn. You see the thread hanging to the left? That is the only bit of yarn left from this project. Is it just me, or is that crazy? I felt like I should win a knitting award or something. How often does that happen? I was sweating it, thinking of back-up plans, I wasn't sure I would make the bind off and man would it have been annoying to have to undo the bind-off and several rows just to add a bit more yarn. There was enough yarn, but not enough to do just one more row...
Then there's this project. I had used a ball of this yarn plus a little of it from this ball for another project and decided I would try and do a bib for my niece S. with the almost full ball. Once again, what you see in the picture is the entire amount of yarn I had. I realize this is dangerous territory here. It's like Vegas when you're on a winning streak and you're sure the dice you throw is gonna turn for you and then you lose and have to rip out several rows and desperately try to find another ball of the same dye lot or use some other complementary yarn to finish. Ok, I'm mixing metaphors and linking knitting to gambling, but you get the idea. I can quit anytime. I'm not going to gamble on my knitting anymore. I'll make sure I have enough yarn next time. Except I think I have some leftover washcloth yarn I could use for a ballband washcloth pattern. Hmm...
Happy Knitting!