Thursday, November 03, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Keeping up with a blog has never been easy, so having themes sometimes helps. Wordless Wednesdays and Thankful Thursdays are pretty helpful to keep me going, especially for a whole month. It's easy to find subject matter for a Thankful Thursday and it's a good reminder to think about the blessings in my life.

Today (and every day), I'm thankful for Mike.

I've known Mike since I was 17. We've been married since I was 24. We moved away from our family shortly after we married and then moved to the west coast from the mid-west and now we're on the east coast. Together, we've attended weddings and funerals and celebrated many births. We've been through infertility treatments, miscarriages and the really painful death of a parent.

Then there's the day to day stuff. Mike has supported me in my endeavors to do community theater and he is Superman around the house. There is nothing he won't do to help. He's also one of the most patient people I've ever known. He's smart, funny, naughty and nice. He knows me and he still loves me. We've been lucky enough to grow together instead of apart.

I knew he would be a wonderful father, so when we were having trouble growing our family I worried that he would never get the chance. However, once we decided on adoption, I knew I would get to see Mike be the amazing dad he has turned out to be. On the very first day we met Z, we took her back to our room and I watched Mike hold her in his arms and slowly move back and forth to soothe her. As wonderful as it was for us, it was an incredibly difficult day for her and yet, she let go in his arms and went into a sweet and peaceful sleep. It was beautiful and I still tear up thinking about that moment when he became her father.

In China, Mike was her rock. She clung to him while she was very unsure about me. In the hotel room she really only wanted him at first. As difficult as it was for me (and for him since he had to feed her, dress her and bathe her until she trusted me), I knew that once we came back to the States, Mike would go back to work and I would get the chance to spend my entire day with her. She found her love for me too and Mike was happy for us.

Recently, he took over coaching her soccer team when her coach was unable to continue helping. He was wonderful with her and the other kids. It was great to watch them out on the field, working together for a goal. The goal to spend quality time together as a family. I never thought I would be so happy to be a soccer mom. I'm thankful to Mike and Z for giving that to me.

I could go on and on, but on this day, I'm thanking my lucky stars for my best friend, my parenting partner, my love, my Mike. Thanks, Honey.

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At November 3, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Blogger mama t said...

wonderful katie! you have an amazing family.

At November 3, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Blogger Jeremy VanAntwerp said...

we are blessed to know Mike as well!

At November 3, 2011 at 8:04 PM, Anonymous Imperatrix said...

He sounds awesome. You and Z are two lucky ladies!

At November 3, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Blogger Hooligan said...

What a lovely post :) I know we've been many years apart, but I feel lucky to have known you both.

At November 4, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Blogger Katie J said...

Mama T, you do too!
Jeremy, we are blessed to know your family too!
Imperatrix, thanks. We feel lucky!
Hooligan, thank you. Unfortunately your profile doesn't give me any information about you, so can you fill me in on your identity? (Even just a first name.)

At November 4, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Blogger Moppott said...

I consider myself very privileged and lucky to call Mike my "son." He has been wonderful to my daughter and an excellent and loving father to my granddaughter. There are few men around that are as sensitive, caring, gentle, devoted, reliable and strong. I could throw in a few more descriptive words but I think you get the picture. Thank you for being in MY life, Mike...and thanks to my daughter for finding him.

At November 4, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Ok, you can have a pony now :)

Seriously, I love you very much, and it is easy to love the lovely.

At November 4, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Blogger Hooligan said...

Ugh. Didn't mean to be anonymous. It's Kim in Colorado :)

At November 5, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Blogger Katie J said...

Thanks Mom.

Mike, I'm ordering the pony catalogs now! (I love you, too.)

Kim!!! I thought so! Thanks for reading.


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