Yes, I know it's over but...

I wasn't able to post too much during the holiday season and there are things I want to remember and savor about the holidays. So, pardon me while I bore you with a few post-Christmas posts.

Our friends Rocco and Rita went here with us and we had a wonderful time. We actually went on December 30th and there were still people celebrating the lights and the beauty of the holidays after the holidaze.
For late December, it was pretty balmy and Hubby and I reminisced about the beauty of this place when it snows. However, seeing Buttons get excited about the lights, purse her sweet lips and exclaim "oooh, lights Mama, lights Mama" is better than any snow fall.

We wandered around outside, went inside to look at the decorated theme trees and the huge poinsettias and then grabbed some hot cocoa. We listened to carolers, saw sculptures made of sugar and like anything related to Christmas, we fought the crowds. Oh, there were the dancing waters that Buttons feared too.
One of the really nice parts of this trip was seeing Rocco and Rita. They've been very busy with job stuff and haven't had much of a break. As you may recall, they have been getting ready to adopt and they are currently waiting for an adoption to happen with Vietnam. Even though they are still in for a bit of a wait I can tell they seem relieved. You know, I've been through infertility and all of its ugliness, but I can tell you that I've forgotten (repressed?) a good deal of it. I find myself talking about Buttons ALL THE TIME, even with people who are where I was before kids. So, for everyone out there who is in the pain of infertility and has to listen to everyone else about their kids, I'm sorry. There are many reasons I can give you for talking about our children, but I think sometimes "I'm sorry" is about the best thing you can say. Period. Rocco and Rita still come and see us (thank you) and I tried hard this time to steer the conversation to other things. I mean, there are other things besides kids. Yes, I know there are.

This is your brain. This is your brain after holidays. This is Homer Simpson's brain.
Labels: Buttons, Christmas, Rocco and Rita
Great pictures! Longwood is a nice place to visit. With the weather being so nice, you were able to spend more time admiring the lights - that's better than the snow.
Glad your holidays were enjoyable.
Pretty photos! What is the bottom one - I can't make it out.
It's a close-up of some winterberries with a spotlight coming up through it. It makes a little bit more sense if you click on it.
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