Sunday, August 27, 2006

Silly Donkey

Everytime Buttons goes to the zoo, she finds a new animal to talk about until the next time we go to the zoo. On Wednesday, she found a new animal to love. The donkey. An animal I have never thought too much about was her belle of the ball that day. (Actually his name was Franklin, so I guess he would be her beau of the ball?) Anyway, she can't stop saying "silly donkey" now which actually sounds like "seey DON...keee".

Other news....
Buttons is getting older. I know, aren't we all! Her afternoon nap, which has provided a nice respite/get things done time, is fading and I'm not happy about that. However, in some things she wants to remain a baby. The girl loves her bottle of milk. Actually, she loves her bottle of formula. Yes, we're giving her the 9-24 month milk-based formula because every time we've tried her on cow's milk, she winds up vomiting after about a week. Her 2 year doctor visit is coming up soon and I just know I'm going to get put in detention for not having weaned her from the bottle. What about mothers who breast feed for a long time? Is this so different? Am I just kidding myself? Ok, I'm obsessing a bit and will now tell myself to chill. This too shall pass and if she has buck teeth, she can get braces like everyone else. Wait... donkeys have buck teeth, don't they?

CONGRATULATIONS to Mary Mia and Rod at "Do They Have Salsa in China?" Funshine is twins!


At August 27, 2006 at 10:20 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Silly Donkey - sweet.

About the bottle - do you have to tell the doc? FWIW, I wouldn't offer up that info unless asked directly.

At August 28, 2006 at 2:30 PM, Blogger JerseyGirl said...

I was just reading how you're "supposed" to wean them from the bottle around the age of one. Ha! I can tell you it's not happening with Collin! I wouldn't sweat it.

At August 28, 2006 at 3:15 PM, Blogger Katie J said...

Thanks for the support Tammy and Jersey Girl! Buttons just picked out new sippy cups today to use for milk. We'll see how that works!

At August 28, 2006 at 11:19 PM, Blogger wzgirl said...

Isn't the bottle/formula just really good nutrition for Buttons-bear? Anyway, !yay! for new sippy cups. It is worth a try...for sure. I met a girl who had a really cool Nalgene sippy cup this weekend. Super hip.

At August 29, 2006 at 12:34 AM, Blogger Katie J said...

I'm quite happy giving her formula, but I'm just curious if she's lactose intolerant. Nalgene sippy cups, huh? V.V. hip! Here's a link to one of my fave products...

At August 29, 2006 at 8:05 PM, Blogger Kim M. said...

Donkeys are so funny!

At August 30, 2006 at 6:25 PM, Blogger Marsha said...

Well...I'm not sure I would suggest withholding information from your doctor. If your doctor scolds you for still using a bottle, but you think the bottle is fine, then clearly you have a different set of expectations, and perhaps this incompatibility is a reason to find a different doctor--one who supports your decisions. But if you are thinking that maybe it's time to say bye-bye to the bottle, then talking to your doctor about this might yield some useful suggestions and advice. (P.S. The word verification thingy I'm asked to type in for this post is "wgfut." Looks kind of obscene. Heh.)

At September 5, 2006 at 7:51 PM, Blogger M3 said...

Aw, thanks!!!


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