Happy Birthday Heath Ledger

I like Heath Ledger. During an IVF cycle, I saw Monster's Ball and thought "what a great actor". When I miscarried I began watching very innocuous movies to take the edge off the pain. I watched 10 Things I Hate About You and a school girl crush developed in a thirty-something woman. I don't think I've seen everything he's been in, but my first E-Bay experience was to purchase a movie very difficult to find and a couple of magazines with articles about him. So, I obsessed on him for a good while. Looking back on it I think it was a way to escape some very difficult emotions by stepping back to being 16 and having a wonderful crush on some boy who I could never date, but admire from afar. Don't worry, I dealt with the pain and the issues involved, but there is a special place in my heart for Heath. Happy Birthday to one of the guys to get me through those difficult times. (My hubby being the main and most important.) Buttons and I sang Happy Birthday to Heath Ledger today and it felt good to come full circle.
Labels: Heath Ledger
He's a cutie - nice pic of him!
I totally know the feeling about the worshiping from afar!
It's so cute that you sang happy birthday to him!
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