SP 10 Contest
My SP10 host asked us to participate in a 2 part contest. In the first part, we need to have our questionnaire easy to find on our blog. (See sidebar under "Knit It".) For the second part we need to post about our favorite current projects and why we love them, along with yarn and pattern info. I recently posted about several things on my needles, but I'll post about the "MEO Simple Shell" that I've been working on for a long time. Well, I worked on it and put it away for a long time and just brought it out again. I'm using Lana Gatto Labrador yarn (good luck finding some) and it's acrylic but good! (Yes, I realize that's a bit of an oxymoron, but in this case it's true.)

My favorite thing about it? It's for me! I'm not one to knit for myself and this is my first garment for me (unless you count a poncho), so this seems decadent. I'm hoping to get it done before it's too hot to wear it, so wish me luck on that one. Otherwise, I'll shoot for wearing it in the fall. I just picked it up after years of not touching it and it's miles of stockinette, so wish me luck.
In writing this post about projects on needles, let me just say I have too many. I'm a bit embarassed about it, but I'm working on finishing some of these UFOs (UnFinished Objects). Why do I have so many? Well, the answer is threefold. First, I love to start projects. It's like a first date with its newness and excitement. So I wind up starting projects before I'm done with the knitting that's been around the block a few times with me. Second, I hate finishing. No, not the melancholy that comes with the end of something beautiful. I wish that were me. I don't like seaming, weaving, non-knitting ending stuff. Third and most frustrating, I get stuck. I sometimes feel like I have no concentration and really should just knit scarves, but ugh, that's no fun. So, I wind up needing to pick up stitches or kitchner stitch and you might as well tell me I'm to do brain surgery now. I freeze and need to find something else to knit, but I'm stuck on every other project too. But. I. Must. Knit. So, I begin something new.

I checked out this book from the library the other day and found a 'purl' of wisdom at the back of the book. It was a little essay entitled "What Would Laura Ingalls Do" and the general gist was what did the women do who knit in a little house out on a prairie somewhere with no LYS (local yarn store) nearby? They would have to figure it out themselves. I even have many reference books, but I always seem to do better with a flesh and blood knitter right next to me. However, point taken. I shall work on my projects and get past the stuck parts. My favorite current projects? The ones I will soon finish.
That shell is going to look terrific--those colors are perfect for you!
Love the Laura Ingalls Wilder photo. Melissa Gilbert and I share a birthday. :)
Yes, getting stuck...or bored, those are the main reasons for my abandonment of projects. I'm with you, though, focus on the waiting work vs. seeking new. I now have a desire to return to a cabled pillow cover project. And, I just finished a scarf during a continuing ed class last week. Yay.
Have you made Green Gable yet? If not, consider adding it to your to-knit list. Done in the round so no purling, no picking up stitches, no seaming except for the underarms.
However...I definitely know what you mean about hating those tasks - right now as we speak, I am putting off the small underarm seams and two ends to weave in on Green Gable (that I finished knitting on Friday night but put off those tasks!)
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