Refreshing Peppermint

I purchased this the other day at our local crunchy granola store. The packaging alone is worth picking up a bottle. Buttons has this for an all in one cleanser for our showers after swim class and I wanted to simplify as well. I chose peppermint because I thought it would be rejuvenating and might even get the chlorine smell out. That stuff can be brutal! Well, Dr. Bronners soap purports to be an all purpose cleanser ("Shave-Shampoo-Massage-Dental-Soap-Bath") so I figured I'd give it a shot. First came the shampoo portion which was nice and mild. Then came the arms and the upper body and I could really smell it. Refreshing peppermint. Then came the nether regions. Let me just tell you that for some, refreshing peppermint may be something they desire in this area. For me it was a bit too much like Listerine for my bottom and hoo-hoo. And it lasted long after the quick rinse off. The really unfortunate part was that I found it completely hilarious and yet there was no one there that I knew well enough to tell. Fortunately playgroup was the next day and I told my story. Marsha told me I had to blog about it and that I should send an e-mail to Dr. Bronners for its new use. How would I phrase that? "Try our peppermint soap down there when you want your va-jay-jay minty fresh!?"
Labels: Dr. Bronners
We like the almond bar one - perhaps, a bit more "nether-friendly"??
I can't tell you how happy I am to see that you blogged about this! When you told this story yesterday, I laughed so hard that, if I'd been drinking a beverage at the time, it surely would have been shooting out my nose.
I can't wait to see the follow-up post: "The Reply from the Good Folks at Dr. Bronner's"!
Ouch it stings. I've been using this stuff for years when camping but I learned not to use it down there, LOL.
This cracked me up - peppermint scented (flavored?) hoo-hoos...could be the next big thing! Thanks for the laugh!
Now you make me glad I used the sample I had as a shampoo only! Gotta love Dr B and it's many uses :-)
OK, glad I pee'd before reading this. TOO FREAKING FUNNY!! Thanks for sharing that visual. Hubby must love that the netherlands are cool and refreshed (or burned?).
Just to share, a few years ago I bought hubby a whole line of manly fragrance, from the bath gel to the cologne. His first time using it, he was sure he was getting lucky using his new sexy scent, but instead he ended up in the ER with an allergic reaction all over his body (yep, even on the 'down under' parts). 10 days of Prednisone and hydrocortisone cream later, he finally got lucky. Ha! Ha!
Hilarious, thanks for blogging about this story. I've used the soap while camping and backpacking, but peppermint is not my flavor!
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