Magic Day and Wishful Thinking

Once upon a time, in the land of make believe and wishful thinking, there was a woman who believed in Magic Day. She was sure there was a special day where she would get all of her housework done by crinkling her nose. She was certain she could lose weight just by buying diet books and joining a club whether or not she actually did any thing else. She loved books and believed just by having them around her might make her smarter even if she didn't read them. "Osmosis works" seemed to be her motto.
Well in fact, her stack of books on clutter-busting and speed-cleaning had only added to the clutter and the need to dust more things. Purchasing a diet book and then reading it while enjoying a latte and a chocolate pastry (fantastic as they were) will not help the cause of losing her extra fairy pounds. Even her wonderful knitting and cookbooks seemed to be more about dreaming than living in reality.
So, how does this fairytale end? I've been trying to figure this one out for decades. I'm trying to get it through my, I head that there is no Magic Day. This is it. One day at a time. (Hello Valerie Bertenelli.) So, this procrastination fairy needs a good swift kick in the heinie to get her started just like a horse. Wish me luck, she's one tough cookie. Mmm, cookies. Oh, man this is gonna be hard.
Labels: MILF
Ooh boy, can I relate. I particularly get suckered in with those home and design magazines loaded with clean, sparkling images...which then end up collecting dust in my messy, cluttered home. But you know what? Some of it does sink in. It is so much easier to read about than to do, though, huh?
Here's a big KICK from me! Not for you, for the woman in the story of course. Wouldn't it be nice if the osmosis method really worked.
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