Monday, September 29, 2008

Secret Pal 12 Goodies and Reveal

I received a lovely package from my Secret Pal Carrie (Sad Lonely Crafter) and I have been lax in posting lately, so I'm finally doing a bona fide thank you post.

First off Carrie sent me some yummy coffee and a very nice pattern book of mittens.
She also sent some coral linen that may indeed become a bag just like my SP made. (Carrie, could you e-mail the information on the pattern you used?) The vanilla candles smell wonderful and the rings have a lovely fall theme. It's finally getting cool enough to light them!
Carrie also sent this deep purple alpaca from someone on e-bay who spins it. The color is rich and I imagine it will indeed make a nice scarf. She also sent me some sari silk, which I've always been interested in trying. Carrie was kind enough to spin everything for me. Do you happen to remember the yardage on these skeins Carrie?

The stitch markers are lovely and handmade by Carrie herself! If you click the picture, I think you'll be able to see them a bit closer.

So, while I'm sorry this post is so late, I did really appreciate all the time and effort that you put into this wonderful package. Thanks Carrie!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Taken by Buttons' camera last fall. I love this picture.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Aye've a name, mateys!

My pirate name is:

Calico Ethel Flint

Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Apparently September is a busy month...

I miss you my bloggy friends, but September seems to be kicking my butt.
So, here are a few updates for you.

Secret Pal news: My secret pal sent me a great package and I need to take pictures and post all the lovely things. Thank you Carrie!

Buttons news: The girl LOVES school and we're very happy for that.

Knitting news: I've been knitting too sporadically and haven't even been able to hang with my knitting buds. I do want to finish Hubby's stocking before Christmas though.

Marsha news: Her brother-in-law is out of Nigeria. Yay!

Theater news: Closing night for one show, tomorrow I need to be "off book" for my next show and I'm going to help with auditions for the Christmas show.

Today we're off to see a friend we haven't seen in a long long time and Buttons just woke up in a foul foul mood. I'm gonna go try to give her a hug. Hope y'all are in good health.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Please Help If You're Able!

Good friends of ours are dealing with a troubling situation right now and I'm asking anyone who can help to please do so. Andrew Berends (our friends' brother and brother-in-law) has been arrested in Nigeria for spying. He's not a spy, but a documentary filmmaker capturing the difficulties in the the Niger Delta. Please read this blog post and think about anyone who you might be able to contact about it.



As if things weren't hectic enough, I've added Pirate to my list of things to do. I was asked to step into a role at my local community theater. They asked me on Sunday and opening night is this Friday. So, I'm off to wield a cutlass and look fer treasure. Must go learn lines...

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