The Artist and Arranger
Buttons drew Oscar the Grouch at the library the other day and I was really excited. She grabbed the green crayon, told me she was going to draw the trash monster and started with the head. She drew a long leg straight from the head, added a circle at the bottom and another circle inside for the heel, then drew another one as well. I try to ask non-leading questions about her artwork, and for this one I didn't even need to inquire as she gave full narration. She wanted me to draw a trash can over him, but I asked if I could draw it somewhere else on the page because I wanted to show hubby the picture. She conceded and then decided the grumpster was missing fur. So, while you can't see it, Buttons and I know Oscar has legs up to his chin and beautiful round heels.
While I was busy working on our holiday letter, Buttons was arranging her animals in a defense circle, at least that's what it looked like to me. When we were in at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego, we saw gazelles sitting in a circle with their bottoms facing each other so they could look around at what's coming. Looks like the scene here, doesn't it? I'm just tickled at its artful arrangement.
I know, you probably want a picture of Buttons, but right now my favorite one is of her with a very silly face sitting on her potty and that just won't due for the public. Yes I know I missed Wordless Wednesday. As the days get closer to Christmas, I'll probably post less and less. Plus, I'm a little under the weather right now due to our crazy weather around here.
Watching kids art skills develop is so fun!
I like the animals in a defensive circle -- each kid has something they do with figurines, I've found. Impera had a set of the cats from Artistocats that she'd set up in a line, then move from place to place (still in a straight line) with a red lace from a card lacing set (she called it her "kitty rope") around their necks.
Enjoy the holiday season, even without posting!
That's my gurl Buttons, loving her Green Crayon. Oh yeah, baby!
I always knew my granddaughter was bright but she never ceases to amaze me. Her Grouch is "PERFECT" just like she is. Looks like she might be a chessmaster as well with her "defensive moves" in place already!! Love, Nani
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