Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Purl asks...

Purl asked...

How about your first day with Buttons (both in China and back home)? Wow, that's a whole post in itself for sure. I'm working on that post. What a great question.

A day in your life? No day seems typical, but most days go a little something like this... Usually I wake up with a swift kick from Buttons who has joined our bed sometime between 2am or 7am. There is a shuffling to get ready, Hubby for work and Buttons for school, playgroup or storytime at the library. I'm in heaven if I get a 3 minute shower and am thankful that my leg hair is blonde and grows very slowly. (Hubby often skips a shower so I can get mine.) I usually skip breakfast (I know, I know) and after Buttons has her fill we hurriedly rush out the door for one of the above events.

If Buttons is in school I go shopping, work out or stay home and do housework (or blog) and then pick her up 2 hours later. We sometimes meet friends for lunch or come home, eat lunch, play a little and then it's nap time. I try to do phone calls, computer and housework during this time, but she often wakes up after a short time still needing more sleep and I take her to our bed for a little snuggle and rest. We usually watch a little something after her nap and most of the time the request is for a cooking show.

I'd like to say I make a fabulous dinner every night, but most of the time it's leftovers or I wing it by putting together quick chicken or tofu dishes with a steamed veggie and rice. Hubby comes home and often puts together the meal as well and we eat. Buttons likes a leisurely pace for meals, so they can last a long time before we're ready for little play time which could consist of reading, dancing, or playing a game.

Hubby gives Buttons a bath while I do dishes or catch up on e-mail. We take turns doing the Bedtime Routine. Yes, capitals are important here since Buttons has an elaborate routine that is epic in scale and quite dramatic. That's a whole other post. No, really it is.

I enjoy tucking Buttons in and I look forward to seeing her in the morning, but I do enjoy the quietness once she's finally sawing wood. My best intentions are to do a monster of the house, but I almost always sink into the couch with knitting and a remote. Sometimes I'm even too tired to knit. Gasp! I'm also a little addicted to the computer game "The Sims" so sometimes I play on that a bit. Hubby will sometimes watch TV with me, but he has his own addiction as well. I often fall asleep on the sofa and Hubby drags me up to bed. I sleep and then it begins again.

Favorite books?
I haven't had much concentration for books lately, so I'm feeling rather dry in that area. I did read "Wanting a Daughter, Needing a Son" and I recommend it for anyone who is interested in adopting a child from China or anyone who wants to understand more about it. After reading this book, I felt armed with information to answer some of the really difficult questions about the abandonment of children in China. I have more favorite books, but right now Buttons is up from her nap...

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At November 27, 2007 at 3:39 PM, Blogger Robin said...

That sounds like an interesting book! Thanks for the "day in the life" portrait too.

At November 28, 2007 at 10:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for picking me! I'm going to look for that book, and I'm glad to help you out with blogging ideas. Great post! It's fun to get to know you better.

At November 28, 2007 at 2:50 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Sounds like our 'Give a Mouse a Cookie' days.

I laughed at your "too tired to knit" comment. I so get that.

At December 1, 2007 at 1:05 PM, Blogger wzgirl said...

Oh, I look forward to hear about The Routine. Really. I do.

Btw, have you (&hubs) seen the South Park episode about WoW? Hilarious.


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