Saturday, November 17, 2007

About B.H.'s (Beer Hats and Button Health)

Hubby and I are only 2 years apart (I'm older) and most of the time this doesn't mean anything anymore. (When he was 16 and I was 18, that was a different story.) Every once in a while we learn one of us missed out on some pop culture fad and the other can't believe it. That's right, Hubby had never seen a Bud beer hat and I've not only seen them first hand, I believe my dad may have owned and worn one back in the day. How many of you remember this hat? In looking for pictures of this mythical hat, I stumbled across this site and was amused. (I also ran across this picture. Um, yeah.)

Buttons is fine. The doctor told me it was just a cold and she should be much better by Wednesday. I feel a little dumb having taken her to the doctor, but about 2 years ago we had a little bit of a scare with her and a respiratory infection so I jump the gun a little sometimes. Thanks, Dr. R., for reassuring me without making me feel like an idiot for bringing her into the office. Our pediatrician rocks. Yeah!

We in fact took her to a music event last night which included Renaissance musicians and a belly dancer. She did not want to leave and kept asking all the way home "will the girl with the shaky dress be coming back with the guys with the guitars and the girls with the violins?" When we came home she did a belly dance for us in her mommy jammies. Yeah, she's feeling better.
So am I.

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At November 18, 2007 at 6:28 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Glad Buttons is doing well now. What a cute picture of her!

At November 18, 2007 at 9:00 PM, Blogger Katie J said...

Robin, I like that pic too. Did you click the picture to see what's been on her mind this weekend?


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