Crock Mitts

Thought I'd finally show y'all some knitting progress. I'm doing the alligator mittens from "Stitch @nd B^tch N@tion" in Mauch Chunky colors Kiwi and Strawberry. The mitts are for Buttons (of course) and they're turning out pretty cute. I'm even using yarn from my stash that was given to me for free!

First, you make the green "claw" and then you make the red inside part. There's some blocking I need to do and since it's my first time, I feel like I'm all thumbs. (Yes, bad, bad joke.)
Hi, Katie -- For the eyes, try embroidery: chain stitch in white, in spiral, with black french knots.
Sounds great! Thanks Elizabeth!
How cute! when I read the title, I htough you were making potholder mitts for your crockpot.
Here's another thought: Sew on a white button, with a smaller black button right on top. It'll give you the "eye" look, and it'll be 3D, like the googly eyes.
So cute! I think I'll be needing to make these. I like the stacked button eye idea...
Stacked buttons might be easier for me too since I'm still working on a crochet groove.
How about taking Buttons to Joann and letting her choose whatever buttons (however crazy) she wants for the eyes? She might enjoy participating in the creation of these awesome mittens!
So, cute. When I read the title of this post, I thought maybe you were knitting liners for Crocks (shoes)! - not a bad idea. huh?
ooh I like Beth's idea, then we could all wear our Crocs in the winter!
Soooo cute Katie P, you never cease to amaze me :^)
Oh, how cool! Buttons is going to love those, I bet.
The button idea for the eyes sounds like a good one. My first thought, if you decided you didn't want 3D type eyes, would be to get a couple of sheets of felt and cut out white and black circles of the appropriate size. You could glue them on to start with, but secure them with a few stitches as well.
Very cute so far!! I like working with Mausch Chunky - I used it for the Fibertrends felted clogs and it worked out well.
love those mits!!!
So cute. I love the whole bobble head nappy baby thing. Hope she does do it at least one more time:)
Happy gobble Day!!
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