Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thank you Bonnie!

I feel like I've been winning the lottery lately only I never play the lottery. However, I do read some fabulous blogs of people that I know in real life and others I only know through cyberspace. Sometimes these bloggers have contests and sometimes I enter. Bonnie Berry is an Austin, Texas based photographer with a blog filled with delicious photos and I entered her contest. Haven't seen her stuff? Go now to The Incredibly True Adventures of Lazygirl. I'll wait...

See? Told ya she's good. I really wish she would make a trip to my area of the country. Her photos are well shot, well timed and well chosen. She has a great sense of light and has the ability to make a wonderful subject out of something that may not stand out to most. LOVE her stuff. She's the photographer I want to be.

Well, she wanted some input on her web-site and I was happy to look around and give her some ideas simply because of all the inspiration she gives to me. However, she also made it into a contest and well, I won. So, I have $30 to spend at thanks to Ms. Bonnie Berry, who is not someone I know IRL, but gee whiz, I'd love to meet her. Yes I want her to take pictures of my family, but I'd really like to meet her. I think photographs tell something not only about the subject, but also about the photographer. She seems interesting, down to earth and kind. So, for those of you located anywhere close to Austin, Texas go have your picture taken by Bonnie. She definitely doesn't seem lazy to me.

Oh and the $30? I planned on putting the gift certificate towards the purchase of a telephoto lens, but Hubby bought it for my birthday. So now, I get to use it towards something else.

Thanks Bonnie!

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At January 14, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

I just found this post. You are SO sweet. I hope you finally got to use the Amazon card. I didn't realize your daughter is adopted. I am too, but you might know that from my blog. xo Bonnie


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