Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Knaked Knitters

Last night some of my knitting buds and I got together and enjoyed a leisurely knit by the pool. We munched on Fritos, cream cheese with Pickapeppa sauce, chocolates and drinks. Now the drinks were coffee from B.'s new Senseo machine, ice tea, water and lemonade. No alcoholic drinks were imbibed (not that we're against that).

G. was busy with her pinwheel sweater, M. was working on her shrug, R. was taking on another pair of socks, L. switched from a scarf to a washcloth and B. was turning a heel. I was yet again working on a Ball Band washcloth. We were enjoying the evening with the fireflies (lightnin' bugs for you southerners), talking about our lives with job prospects and vacations and the stuff of life. P. came late and joined the conversation and didn't even wind up knitting. Yes, our get-togethers can be like that. We come with knitting, but we stay, often times longer than planned, because of the company.

Even though it wasn't the warmest night and I knew the water was on the chilly side, I wanted to swim. I brought my suit and a towel like a good girl should, but I'm a little naughty. So, I decided since it was dark and I was with good friends I would dare to do something I love to do. Yup, I shucked my clothes and jumped in the water for some good old-fashioned summertime skinny dipping shouting "I love to swim naked" once in the water. And you know what? Three of my six buds joined me (sans suits) in the water!
(After I told one of them "just take off your pants")

Have you ever been skinny dipping? It's divine! There's just nothing like it. And if you haven't, please find a friend with a pool or go to a lake and just do it. You'll thank me, I promise.

So last night, I knit, talked, laughed, swam (naked), gave thanks for such good friends and came home to give my hubby and sleeping daughter kisses. Life is good, isn't it?



At July 2, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are two of last night's most memorable quotes, both of which were uttered by Katie:



(to a friend who was debating whether to join the skinny dippers--she eventually did) "TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF!"

And who says knitters are meek and tame? :)

At July 2, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Oh sister, you're the coolest chickie I know. I skinny dipped once in a very good friend's pool & it was liberating (and quite refreshing) - but that was many moons ago.

Geez, now I really want to learn to knit...

At July 3, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Blogger Robin said...

Cool sign!! I want one for my pool! And yeah, Jim and I skinny dip at night quite frequently...hee hee.

At July 5, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Blogger wzgirl said...

Thats just awesome. Stuff of life...for sure.

Swimming at night rules - but skinnydipping at night takes it up a notch or 5. Sweet.

At July 8, 2008 at 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys have such a cool knitting circle. I'm envious. >:(

I've never skinny-dipped in a pool, but we did skinny-dip when we backpacked in Yosemite. Trixie liked that story so much that she is very much looking forward to backpacking so *she* can skinny-dip, too.


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