Friday, June 06, 2008

The Anniversary Night

First off, let me say thank you for all of your anniversary wishes and your lovely comments about our picture. That was taken by a lovely couple with a small child who returned the favor for us in Brugge, Belgium. Buttons was supposed to be in the picture as well, but she just was not in the mood. And since there are so few pictures of Hubby and me I was satisfied.

Life is good and on this blog I mostly highlight those experiences. Oh, life is still good but sometimes there are blips and I feel I should post about those too. Perhaps by the title of the post you thought this would be X-rated. Let me assure you it won't be.

On the day of our anniversary, I went with Buttons to an inside playground with the grandchildren of our hosts and C, their grandma (boma -sp?)). I figured Buttons would enjoy it and she wouldn't have a nap but would be tired enough to go to sleep right after we came home from our lovely dinner.
Instead, I fell asleep while I was putting her to bed. Buttons woke me up around 10:30 by screaming, then she fell asleep again. Then she woke up inconsolable and hubby went in for at least 45 minutes to calm her down. After she settled down, Hubby was tired and went to bed.

At that point I was very awake and needed a bit of unwind time. I found "Minority Report" on the BBC: a decent movie in English! So, I watched until Buttons screamed, then settled after I went in, screamed again then settled after I went in and the next time she screamed I tried to wake her up a bit to talk and find out what was wrong.

"I miss my friends and I miss my cat." Yes, my girl is very homesick and it's showing up all over the place, but most prominently in her bed. So, I decide that for her sake I will sleep with her in the double bed. I also decide that while not the typical way to spend an anniversary night, Hubby may consider it a gift to get some sleep before he goes to work in the morning.

So on our anniversary night I slept next to my kicking daughter who shouted at me and did not appreciate what I thought to be a good thing. Hubby did appreciate the sleep and Buttons was in a good mood when she woke up in the morning so it did work as a bit of a gift. However we were all sleepy and so after taking a nap yesterday I thought Buttons would not be over-tired for bed time. Yeah, she wasn't even tired and didn't go to sleep until around 11pm.

So, the anniversary night didn't go as planned, but it did include all of us and I wouldn't change having the family I do.

By the way, C & J (our hosts) offered to watch Buttons for us so Hubby and I could go out and while I trust them completely, Buttons is just too anxious about being without us here for that to work.
Of course, as it turned out she didn't get much sleep anyway.

The good news is that in July, we're going to my step-brother's wedding in Michigan and Hubby and I will go to Stratford, Ontario for 2 nights while Buttons stays and plays with my mom, her partner, their two dogs and their new puppy! I'm going to miss Buttons very much, but I am looking forward to having a different sort of anniversary night.

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At June 6, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Your kitty looks so much like my FatKat!!


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