Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Waxing Nostalgic

Maybe it's the whole underwear thing, but I feel like Buttons is growing an inch every day. This is one of my favorite pictures of her and was taken less than a month after we met her in China. I can't believe how small her feet were then and how big they look now. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited by her growth, her language development, her independence and did I mention wearing underwear? It's wonderful to see her grow into the personality we could all see from the beginning.

She's putting on her own clothes, she's helping to clear the table, she's using big words and singing "Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious" (it does make her sound precocious). She received her first "report card" from pre-school today and it was wonderful. This was more of a developmental checklist and included things about sharing and knowing colors, so it probably won't be on her transcripts for college. The last time I picked her up from school, another mother told me that after asking her son who he played with the most, he said "Buttons because she's a silly goose". Yeah! She's making friends and using manners and just plain growing up... and fast.

Ok, so I couldn't wait to be done with diapers, but just the other day I thought to myself "I don't remember the last time I changed her poopy diaper and wiped her" and while I didn't get misty eyed, I was a bit sad. Perhaps I'm just a bit too sentimental. Nah...ya think?

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At February 6, 2008 at 7:27 PM, Blogger walternatives said...

Oh, sweetie. I HAD to laugh - getting nostalgic for poopie diapers. But I understand what you really meant. She's growing up too fast. Congrats to Buttons for the great report card.


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