Saturday, February 09, 2008

Peace in the Midst of Chaos

I've never been accused of being a great housekeeper. If you came over to my house you would most likely feel you had some mad skillz when it came to keeping things tidy. I love my house to be clean and tidy, but I like going out and doing things with the family, knitting, blogging, watching a good movie, being involved in theater and hanging with friends much more than vacuuming.
Now you know.
Lately though I'm feeling overwhelmed with the amount of crap in my house. Do I need all this stuff? Erm, no. So you say, get rid of it! Yeah, well another one of my issues besides collecting crap is that it all becomes sentimental or I feel that since so and so gave it to me, I have to keep it until the end of time. Then, if I finally get in a mood to get rid of stuff, it's all or nothing. I say to myself "well, if I can't get it all done today, I won't do any of it."

However, if I don't get rid of some crap, then I will be leaving Buttons a not so great legacy. I don't want her to feel like she has to keep everything, so I have to start showing her how to reduse, reuse, recycle, repurpose, regift, rummage sale or declare it rubbish.

Now, for the peace part. I've started Hubby's stocking and so far I like working from a chart. It reminds me a bit of cross-stitch (which I've virtually given up since I learned to knit) and I really enjoy how the rows change and then I can watch the stars take shape. Perhaps I need to apply these lessons to housework. I can't get the stocking done in one day, so why should I try to do my house in one day?

*Which reminds me of something a "great poet" once said:

Don't try to live your life in one day
Don't go speed your time away

*Yes, I'm a child of the '80's. Anyone know this "great poet"?

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At February 10, 2008 at 12:39 PM, Blogger wzgirl said...

Howard Jones.

At February 10, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Housework sucks! Good for you for choosing to spend your time having fun. You couldn't set a better example for Buttons than enjoying life.

But, getting rid of stuff does help clear the visual noise.

BTW, you make me want to learn how to knit.

At February 11, 2008 at 6:12 PM, Blogger walternatives said...

I hear ya - I'm ready to purge some of our collective crap, too, though I've yet to start in on The Junk Drawer (the first big step). The stocking is lovely, as is the message - a bit at a time, yes?

At February 13, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Looks AWESOME so far. I love that it's all in that luscious cream color.

Oh yeah...vacuuming? HA. Six cats + vacuum = 3 hours of backbreaking labor, and that's just the first floor.

I really need to destash a bit too, though.


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