To Sleep or not to Sleep...
We have had many challenges over the last 10 months with Buttons. Some are adoption related, some are new parent related and some are just plain everyday baby stuff. First there was the extraordinary attachment to her father, especially in China when we would be in the hotel room and I couldn't get anywhere near her. There has always been a challenge with diaper and clothing changes. She would prefer to go around with a poopy diaper than have a diaper change. We've worked through most of the early challenges with the exception of SLEEP.
We're fans of Attachment Parenting and have tried to follow it in varying degrees. We would give Buttons milk on demand day or night, practiced baby-wearing and did some co-sleeping as well. Ever since her first night with us, she has had (for lack of a better term) an addiction to hand-holding during her sleep. She's been waking up in the night every since she joined our family. (My guess is that she slept with her foster-mom in China.) Co-sleeping became difficult for any of us to get any sleep, so we worked on getting her used to her crib. We would have her just play in it with some toys for a few weeks, then she would take naps in it and finally she would sleep in her crib. Next step was getting her to stay asleep. We would rock her to sleep, put her in her crib and then we'd go in to hold her hand when she would wake. A few weeks ago she started waking up like 8 times a night and we were all getting pretty cranky. So, we started reading "Sleeping Throught the Night" by Jodi Mindell after a friend, who was also into "AP", had recommended it. Well, it worked but the crying (even the 5 or 10 minutes we allow) gives me nightmares. The thing is, she does sleep through the night except for the occasional nightmare. She wakes up pretty early (6:30) and then we bring her into our room for a morning snuggle and a few extra minutes of sleep.
I think this is working, but I have guilt about her crying and I'm having nightmares about it. I also feel selfish because I know that part of it is the fact that I really like to rock her to sleep although I am still able to do it for her nap. I also wonder if I'm torn about this because I like her to need me and this feels like she's really growing up? I guess I don't have an answer, but I figure this is a good place to post some thoughts about it. Any answers you have would be welcome!