Reused and recycled, but is it worth it?
Every year I get a new page-a-day knitting calender. I have enjoyed them, although I'm not sure I have actually knit any of the patterns. About 1/3 of them I imagine knitting just like I dream about making many of the recipes in my cookbooks, but who knows when that will happen. The rest of the patterns fall into 3 categories: ugly, too complicated/not worth the effort and why would anyone knit that. I peeked at tomorrow's pattern (since today was a continuation from the last 2 days and fit into the ugly category) and decided that a knitted plastic bag holder seemed to fit into the "why would anyone knit that" category. So, I went on line to look for a picture of it to share on the blog. In my search, I found this, and I'm a little intrigued. I'm not sure if I want to knit plastic, but I might try it someday kind of like I might make that recipe I have for garlic ice cream. It sounds interesting, but I don't know if I want to go to the effort just to hate it. Next I found this, which is so much prettier than the one in my calender and looks like a quick knit. And you know what? Etsy even sells crocheted holders. So, perhaps I've misjudged the plastic bag holders. It seems to be something that at least a few people are knitting. However, some of them could still go into the ugly category, such as this one.
Labels: Knitting
I reuse my grocery bags for a few things, trashcan liners, I have actually crocheted with some to make a plant holder and a bag. It isn't fun to work with, but it makes a really interesting fabric when you are done with it. It takes a really long time to make the yarn and have enough to crochet with. If you search harder, there is a pattern for sandals made out of them...
Carrie, I did find a link...
They look pretty interesting, but I am in no way a real crochet-er, so I don't think that's going to be my next project.
I do think that the fabric would be interesting and sometime I may have to try it.
I agree that the first plastic bag holder would be cool, especially in our trailer. The angel holder is yukka!!!
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