Thursday, April 23, 2009


You may be wondering what I've been doing since seemingly falling out of the blogosphere. Well, besides Facebook and psuedo-thespianism, I've actually been knitting. I've finished several things and I'll takes pics and share soon.

Buttons was in heaven today when I finished her "Superpower Wristers". Yeah, just in time for 87 degree weather this weekend! Oh well, I knit year around so I had to make something and since I'm not excited about knitting summer clothing, I will continue to knit things for the other 9 months of the year. These wristers include the magic three qualities of knitting for me: fun, easy and quick to make. I used about 3/4 of a skein of Moda Dea Cartwheel leftover from the vest I made for Buttons. I also did it on two needles instead of three, but think I should have added 2 or 4 stitches for that for a seaming allowance. I think I have enough to make a hat and scarf for her as well with the same yarn. However, you think she might get sick of the yarn? Maybe I'll make some matching wristers for me instead...

*Update: I am thinking about making this for Buttons for the summer.



At April 24, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Blogger Victoria said...

Hey Katie,

Well you aren't the only one who's dropped out of the blogosphere - and even the Ravelry-sphere! But I am very much on Facebook. What is your FB name? I would love to be in touch.

Vicky (Viv)

At April 26, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Blogger Gina said...

Those wristers turned out great! Now Buttons is totally too cool for school!:-)

Here's a "tosteap" to you!


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