Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Mirthful Menagerie

Yes I'm a bad blogger. Between enjoying the summer and succumbing to Facebook I've been a busy beaver. I do need to post about our China family reunion (it rocked) and give you the latest on knitting and parenting (also rockin') but for now I give you a chance to read a blog by Gina, a friend (IRL).

Gina has her 2nd bloggiversary coming up and she has a contest. Let me tell you, if you win, Gina gives the best gifts, so I'm sure her prizes will be fabulous. The only thing you have to do is comment her bloggiversary post and let her know which of her posts you enjoyed most. This will not be hard to do since Gina is very funny. So take a few minutes and stop by her blog, The Mirthful Menagerie. This post does get me an extra entry, but I promise you won't be sorry you visited. If you want a place to start reading, try here. Go quickly! The contest ends August 31st at 8pm EST.

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