Sunday, August 31, 2008

China Family Reunion #3

I always look forward to our China Family Reunion and this year was no different. So far we've never had all of the families show up on the same day, but this time was pretty cool because only 2 families couldn't make it. These are the people we spent 2 weeks with in China and let me tell you, after that you get a pretty good sense of who they are. We're a hodge podge mix of people as I think most families are, but somehow it works and let me tell you the kids get on so well it's unbelievable. As you can see, Buttons had a right good time as a fish in the water.
Well, I'm off to make some food for a potluck today. I'm going to miss summer.

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At August 31, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Blogger mar said...

Hello! I have known your blog and I have liked it very much. Congratulations for these children so beautifuls that you have.
A greeting sea

At August 31, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

There is a special bond that we feel toward all of the families. We have been so blessed with our beautiful daughter, and gaining extended family has been an unexpected gift. I hope that we always make time to get together.

The only bad part about our China family get togethers is when the party is over.

At August 31, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Blogger wzgirl said...

Oh what a happy little noodle, your buttons!

Thing is, with the passing of summer - we enter the beginning of Knitting Season. At least that's how its always felt to me. xo


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